The Catalogue of Services is a resource guide for victims and survivors of gender- based violence seeking support services to enhance their economic security, and increased autonomy and well-being, thus making them less dependent on their abusive partners. Further, it is a resource for service providers and first responders to have access to information as they respond to individuals and families affected by family violence. The Catalogue, available in English and Spanish, will strengthen and complement the existing sources of information that are available to survivors to improve their social, psychological and physical wellbeing. It is hoped that survivors will use the information in the Catalogue to increase their employability and their capacity to generate a higher income.
This Catalogue is a product of the Spotlight Initiative, a global, multi-year programme, funded by the European Union (EU) in collaboration with the United Nations (UN), which is focused on eliminating all forms of violence against women and girls (VAWG) by 2030.